Saturday, December 16, 2023

BOOK REVIEW: The Horrible Peace: British Veterans and the End of the Napoleonic Wars by Evan Wilson

The Horrible Peace: British Veterans and the End of the Napoleonic Wars by Evan Wilson is a fascinating, meticulously researched exploration of the lives of British sailors and soldiers (officers and rank-and-file) after Waterloo. (It begins in the waning years of the wars for context.) It covers both the politics and economic circumstances in Britain that led to the drastic demobilization and resulted from it. It also looks at the social history of these sailors and soldiers – what happened to them in the following years. Wilson includes both statistics and individual accounts. I don’t think there were any surprises. Life is always difficult, in one way or another, for veterans. There was a pension system of sorts in Britain, but it was wholly inadequate. And wealthy or well-connected veterans landed in much better positions than did the poor. But the granular analysis of this demobilization makes for very interesting reading. The book is recommended for those who want to know more about the Napoleonic War period, since the historical significance of these wars did not end with Waterloo.

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