Hurray! Friday again! Time for the Book Blogger Hop. A chance to connect with other book bloggers and share the love of reading and blogging. Hosted by Crazy for Books, it's also a great way to find new books to read -- or in today's case, new movies to add to your Netflix queue.
The question today is:
"What book-to-movie adaptation have you most liked? Which have you disliked?"
The movie that immediately springs to my mind is Gone With the Wind. I saw the movie when I was in my young teens, before reading the book. What pageantry! What romance! I immediately got hold of the book. The book is richer and more complex than the movie. Even more of an epic. And of course, the movie had to leave some things out. But considering how big the book is, I think the movie does do a good job of capturing it.
I don't watch movies very often (as may be obvious by the age of my "like"--but, just for the record, GWTW was already a classic by the time I saw it-- I'm not that old) so I don't really have a dislike. The closest I can think of is the BBC's adaptation of Pride and Prejudice. It's multiple episodes. I started to watch the first one with my daughter after reading the book. It just seemed flat and slow. We couldn't get into it so we gave up.
There are two adaptations I'm looking forward to though-- The Help and Hunger Games.
WAIT!! I remembered another adaptation that I loved that is actually from this millenium. Winter's Bone. The movie is incredible. It didn't spring to mind at first because I forgot it was an adaptation. (I haven't read the book.) I remembered because the Hunger Games actress, Jennifer Lawrence, was the star of Winter's Bone.