Tuesday, March 18, 2025

BOOK REVIEW: Boy by Nicole Galland

I received this book for free from Netgalley. That did not influence this review.

I’ve been wanting to read one of Nicole Galland’s historical novels for a long time, but never got around to it. So I was pleased to review an e-galley for Boy.

Set in Elizabethan England and intermingling the worlds of the theater, the queen’s court and courtiers, and the scientists of the day, Galland centers the story around two gender-bending protagonists.

Alexander Cooke (Sander) is an apprentice actor at the Globe Playhouse and a city-wide celebrity. Slender, pretty, and coquettish, he stars in the female roles of Shakespeare’s great plays and is admired wherever he goes. Much of that admiration, particularly among the highborn and/or well-to-do, is due to his powerful sex appeal, making him a favorite of both women and men. Sander loves the attention. And the sex.

However, he’s getting older and the term of his apprenticeship is coming to an end. Sander knows he is outgrowing the female leads without growing into male roles. He isn’t interested in taking on a more managerial role. He wants to act. And if he cannot act, he needs a new “career.” He wants to be a courtier with a patron.

Joan Buckler is Sander’s oldest friend. They grew up together and know each other’s deepest secrets. However, while Sander is not particularly bright (except for a phenomenal memory), Joan is exceptionally smart. She wants to be a natural philosopher. Her problem is that she is female, with no hope of studying such things with the masters.

The crux of the novel focuses first on the budding physical attraction between these longtime friends, and then its blossoming into romantic love and strong sexual desire. Sander, in an effort to do something to please Joan, utilizes his acquaintance with Sir Francis Bacon to introduce Joan (who is masquerading as “Jack”) to Bacon’s circle and his ideas of inductive logic.

While Joan is furthering her education, Sander seeks patronage. This is even more important now that he wants to be able to support Joan as his wife. Unfortunately, he is fixed upon joining the circle around the earl of Essex, who was once one of the queen’s favorites but is now very much on the outs.

Galland does a lovely job of bringing young Sander and Joan to life. Sander is a complicated (if shallow) character who is redeemed by his love for his soul mate. Joan is bright, loyal, and brave. The London of the Elizabethan era is described in detail as the two make their way around in it. And the intrigue of Queen Elizabeth’s court is shown through the efforts of rivals for influence as they work to manipulate the queen’s favor.

This all requires a lot of set-up. The story ultimately reaches a satisfying conclusion; however, much of the book is slow as all the pieces must be maneuvered into position. I found my engagement with the story waxed and waned throughout. It’s definitely a worthwhile read for fans of historical fiction and the time of Shakespeare, but for a 350-page book, it read longer. 

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